When working on projects with Unreal Engine (UE), you have the option to use both Blueprints and C++. Blueprints are quick and user-friendly, while C++ requires a steeper learning curve. Although nearly all functions can be implemented using Blueprints (since they are essentially C++ wrapped into nodes), they may not be ideal for more complex or extensive functions. Simple projects typically rely on Blueprints, whereas more complex projects often require a combination of Blueprints and C++. Regardless of the project, Blueprints are almost always used, and it’s generally advisable for standard projects and developers to use Blueprints over C++ when possible.

However, there are situations where the built-in Blueprint functionalities in UE may not suffice, or where using Blueprints alone would require an unwieldy number of nodes. In such cases, using C++ can be more efficient. For instance, in GIS spatial queries, determining whether a point lies within a surface is a common function that can be cumbersome to implement in Blueprints. Although possible, it would require considerable space and effort. In contrast, C++ allows you to directly implement the necessary code, often in fewer than 50 lines, making it more maintainable and efficient.

If you have a basic understanding of programming, familiarity with any programming language like C++, and a good grasp of UE’s Blueprint nodes and functions, you can start developing in UE with C++ in about a week.

This Beginner’s Guide to learning UE5 C++ consists of seven articles. Upon completion, you’ll be able to call your C++ implementations from within Blueprints and utilize online resources more effectively. An advanced series, Intermediate’s Guide to learning UE5 C++ will follow, focusing on integrating various UE APIs to implement more sophisticated features.

C++ Vs. Blueprint – Which should you choose?

To determine the best choice between Blueprint and C++, it’s essential to understand the characteristics, or pros and cons, of each.

1.1. Blueprint Characteristics: Blueprint is known for its simplicity, convenience, and intuitiveness. It offers a quick learning curve and enables rapid results. However, managing numerous Blueprint nodes can become challenging, and it lacks the modular efficiency and readability of traditional code. Additionally, version control with Blueprints is less straightforward compared to code files, and resolving merge conflicts can be less intuitive.

1.2. C++ Characteristics: The version of C++ used in Unreal Engine (UE) includes non-standard features, with many special syntaxes implemented via reflection. Developing with C++ requires a foundational knowledge of programming, making it more complex to learn than Blueprint. However, C++ provides easier access to fundamental operating system functions, such as file handling and network requests.

1.3. Comparison Between Blueprint and C++: Blueprints are less efficient for developing complex projects compared to C++. Once proficient in C++, developers can write code much faster than using the drag-and-drop interface of Blueprints. In terms of debugging, C++ offers more robust capabilities; breakpoint debugging in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is more intuitive and efficient than with Blueprints.

Blueprints also lack scalability and flexibility. While there are numerous open-source libraries and code snippets available online for C++, these resources cannot be directly utilized in Blueprints, limiting their extensibility. Additionally, the performance of Blueprints falls short compared to C++. They are less efficient in handling extensive operations and complex mathematical calculations. For instance, in tests like summing an arithmetic series, the performance difference can be nearly 1,000 times, with C++ being significantly faster.

1.4. Reassurance for Blueprint Advocates: While C++ offers certain advantages in terms of efficiency, debugging, and scalability, Blueprints have their own strengths that make them an excellent choice for many developers. Blueprints are particularly user-friendly, making them accessible for beginners and non-programmers, allowing them to create complex gameplay mechanics without deep coding knowledge. They facilitate rapid prototyping and iteration, which is invaluable in the early stages of game development.

Moreover, Blueprints integrate seamlessly with C++, enabling a hybrid approach where developers can leverage the strengths of both systems. This combination allows teams to use Blueprints for high-level design and rapid iteration, while utilizing C++ for performance-critical or highly complex parts of the project. Ultimately, the choice between Blueprints and C++ depends on the specific needs of the project, the team’s expertise, and the desired workflow.

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